Aventuras: A Cross Country Adventure With Two White Vans and a handful of Actors.

This blog promises many adventures. Here's my disclaimer, y'all: *This crazy cool blog is a creation of myself, they call me *tina*, an actress in the Kennedy Center Imagination Celebration on Tour Production of "Alexander Who's Not Going to Move." The opinions expressed in this blog are solely mine (mine, mine, mine!) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Kennedy Center, its board, or employees. Additionally, this blog is not supported by the Kennedy Center.* Got it???

Friday, April 14, 2006


Hi, everybody!!! I'm back (temporarily...I can't make any promises) from my disappearing act. See, my parents have dial-up...and I don't even want to think about how long it would take to upload all my pictures on their computer...so now I'm up in DC (again, very temporarily) and using my friend Eric's high speed monster.

So, tour is over. What am I doing now, y'all have asked? Nothing! Well nothing, if nothing meaning I'm running around all day every day looking for a place to live and a job to pay the bills, and auditioning, and seeing wonderful friends, etc, etc, etc. I took the bus up from Va Beach on Sunday for some auditions up here in DC this week, and I've been staying with Eric in Dupont (love the house!) and Koffi of course! Koffi the wonder dog.

Here are some picture galleries for you. The first group of pictures is the cast and crews last night together. We all went to an Italian restaurant to celebrate the end of the tour with pasta, wine and BREAD!

After dinner, we went back to the hotel bar for some chatting. And fun with roses.

One of the best parts of being back in DC, other than the fact that it's gorgeous out, and this city is beautiful in the spring, is seeing my wonderful wonderful friends. Matty. You make me laugh so hard. Matt is a famous composer. No. Really. He's famous in Shirlington and parts of Europe. And those men behind him think he's the coolest. hehehe.

Steve and Matt cooking up a wonderful gourmet concoction. They rock my world. I only wish I had gotten a picture of the babushka!!!

Alright folks...more to come. I'm probably going to redirect how I do the blog...maybe even start a new one...but, of course, I'll be sure to put the link on here. I just think it would be nice to seperate the tour blog from a "normal" one...but then again, what is normal. Who am I kiddin. Ain't gonna be nothing normal about it.



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