Newark, NJ and NYC
HI, JOE!!!!!
We rolled up into Newark, NJ on Tuesday night. Some of you know that I have two "big brothers" from Newark: Joe and Bruce. Joe was my RA my sophomore year of college, and Bruce is his friend from...gosh...grade school? They've known each other for a long time. And they are my big brothers. It's complicated, but I'll just leave it at that.
Joe likes my blog. And, gosh, that makes me super happy :). So this entry is dedicated to Joe.
Bruce was in Vienna, Austria when I was in Newark, so we couldn't have a full big brothers/little sister reunion, but Joe and I had a great time at a local diner. Did you know diners serve margeritas? And GOOD ones!
Jow (that's not a typo) and me at the diner.
The next day we had a day off. I went with Caitlin into NYC to meet up with her friend, Gina, who is getting married in July. Caitlin is the maid of honor, and today was all about veil shopping!
But first, Barry had a little bit of adventure in NY...
Barry loves New York's finest. Especially the cute ones in Times Square! Oh wait...maybe that's ME...
Here are Caitlin and her friend, Gina. In Gina's hand is the perfect veil! But I won't say anything about what it looks like, cause Dustin's a sneaky guy and he'll probably find this site!!!!
Yesterday we left our Newark hotel at 7:30am to make it to our Staten Island venue by 8:30...we rolled up about 8:45. Damn that morning NY rush hour. This morning was a special show, because Emily came to see it! If you wanna know about Emily, click on the September (or maybe it's August) archive. Emily and I go way back. Back to ballet class. Back to snowmen in our yards facing each other. Back to over-alls and yellow boots. Way back.
Emily and me after the show on the Staten Island Ferry.
Emily gave me beautiful Freesia flowers, and they have been brightening up the van in the cup holder :).
Last night we stayed somewhere in NJ...Leisure Park? Lakewood? Something. We got in at 11:30pm, after being up at This morning we got up and headed to the theater at 8:15am. It was beautiful I had to immediately FREE THE TOES! Right in the breakfast nook of the hotel.
I. was. exhausted.
Can you believe I ran into Joe on my way to the breakfast nook...DOING HIS LAUNDRY!? Can you even believe it??? What a silly head.
After the show today....loading it out. Get it OUTTA HERE. 3 shows left.
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