Aventuras: A Cross Country Adventure With Two White Vans and a handful of Actors.

This blog promises many adventures. Here's my disclaimer, y'all: *This crazy cool blog is a creation of myself, they call me *tina*, an actress in the Kennedy Center Imagination Celebration on Tour Production of "Alexander Who's Not Going to Move." The opinions expressed in this blog are solely mine (mine, mine, mine!) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Kennedy Center, its board, or employees. Additionally, this blog is not supported by the Kennedy Center.* Got it???

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New Headshots...not quite "finished"...what do you think?

I got some new headshots taken in Chicago by a good friend of a good friend. Here's are a couple of the ones I picked...they haven't been retouched or cropped yet (for those of you who don't know...the photographer will retouch the picture with photoshop...clean up stuff, under eyes, hair, blah blah) What do you think? Anyone have a favorite? Go ahead and leave a comment and let me know...


At 3:50 PM, Blogger chris corwin said...

i think...




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