Aventuras: A Cross Country Adventure With Two White Vans and a handful of Actors.

This blog promises many adventures. Here's my disclaimer, y'all: *This crazy cool blog is a creation of myself, they call me *tina*, an actress in the Kennedy Center Imagination Celebration on Tour Production of "Alexander Who's Not Going to Move." The opinions expressed in this blog are solely mine (mine, mine, mine!) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Kennedy Center, its board, or employees. Additionally, this blog is not supported by the Kennedy Center.* Got it???

Monday, February 06, 2006

Madison, WI and the Superbowl in room 305 (St. Cloud, Minnesota)

What a disappointment. To spend only 12 hours in a town as cute at Madison, WI! We were only there for the night, just passing through, but from what I saw, I'd like to go back. So far, Wisconsin has impressed me all around for friendly people, clean urban areas, and neat shopping and restaurants. Oh, one downside however...IT'S SO FREAKIN COLD! We ventured out to a couple of bars...not too many pictures...here are two

Me and Moria
These girls can touch their noses with their tongues. So weird.
Sadly, we left Madison the next morning and mosied on to Minnesota. Even colder. Greeeeeat. Last night was the Superbowl, and we had a lovely party in room 305 (Patty and Santi's room).

Me and Caitlin
Patty, Ashley, Jordan, and Santi
Patty asked me if he could make a tattoo on my arm.
awww...he is so proud of his work.
And so am I!
Sam, Ashley's BF is here visiting from Minneapolis! Look at how he's watching football and Ashley's cheesin for the camera. Cute :).
Today is a day off, and tomorrow we have two shows. I get to see Aunt Debbie...the family month begins!


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